Now my sister might be pg!! What timing - her fiance just moved to Wyoming, and she will move there whenever she finds a job there. They were not TTC at all, and she is kinda stressed because she really does not want to move out there but he made the decision for them (basically - that is a long story short!). She is working full-time and going to school right now and really doesn't have any money. She told me today that she took a hpt and it was neg, but she took it in the evening. She had some spotting a couple days ago when she should have had AF and that was it. I would DIE if she is pg! Why is it happening to everyone around me?

I realized today that I am just going through the motions. I temped and POAS for my CBEFM today, and I wasn't even excited to see it like I was last cycle. I think the fact that I didn't O, my AF issues at the end, etc., has really brought my motivation down a bit. If I could just have a semi-normal cycle, I would be SO happy. It is frustrating not knowing how long my cycle is going to be, if I am going to O, etc. I am not at all surprised to see the "low" reading on the CBEFM, and I never really expect it to go to "high" or "peak." Last cycle when I got the high readings, it really bummed me out that it never went to peak. I never even saw the line get any darker, and it is barely there (or not at all) to begin with.

I have lost 20 pounds so far. Woo hoo! That is probably the only great thing right now. It is like taking a crumb off of a cookie though - LOL. I don't really feel any different, although I do notice my clothes fitting a bit differently. Since I already weighed 254, 20 pounds doesn't seem to make a dent. I weighed in today at 234, though, so I was excited. I need to start using my Bowflex, but my house is so hot! Our A/C is broken, and unfortunately, we have to get a whole new unit - that will cost at least $2000 from the estimates that we have received. I am thinking we are just going to go through this summer, and next summer hopefully have the $$ for it. Our house really doesn't get that hot, and we have a big floor unit air conditioner in our bedroom that we invested $500 in at the beginning of summer. It works great for night time. Maybe we should move the Bowflex up there. LOL If it wasn't such a pain in the a$$, we might consider it!

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