Chemical Pregnancy
Well, my friend e-mailed me this morning and said she has no line now. It sounds like she had a chemical pregnancy, and I feel badly for her. I have never had one, but I can imagine how it feels to see that line and get excited, only to find out a couple days later that it didn't stick. Ugh - that must be awful. It was only her 2nd month TTC, so at least she is still new at this and isn't discouraged yet!
My sister is also not pg. I bought her two tests, and she took one that evening and then one the next morning. I told her she BETTER call her dr tonight. She has had several issues, which is another blog (that isn't written yet... LOL) and now she is throwing up every morning. She needs to go get an u/s done that her dr requested before to check on a growth, and she hasn't yet. She claims she is going to call today. I am really hoping that nothing is severely wrong with her!
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