"My Little Ovulator"
Yes, that is what my dh calls me now. Too bad it isn't true. LOL When he is in the mood, he always asks me if I happen to be ovulating (even though I don't think he really has a CLUE what that means...LOL). He also calls me his "Little Ovulator." Interesting.
When we were TTC Aurianna, we had the "when it happens, it happens" attitude. Not so this time. I know that he wants it more than he lets on. He will sometimes say that maybe we should wait, but when I bring that up a couple days later he always denies feeling that way and says that it would take 9 months for us to have the baby anyway. Ha ha.
My temps this cycle have been SO steady. My last couple of cycles I have had periods where my temps just went crazy. This cycle, they have been all really close. I don't feel good about this cycle, at all, since I am almost on day 20 of using the CBEFM. You know what that means? The CBEFM will either ask you 10 times or 20 times during a cycle to POAS. It won't ask any more than that, according to the information I have seen. Soo... I only have 3 more days to detect a peak, and then it just goes back to low and waits out the cycle. I have actually been thinking about selling my CBEFM on ebay, since it really isn't doing me any good. I am not O'ing, and the monitor doesn't go long enough for my cycles. I don't know - I kinda want to hold on to it, too, for when I get my cycles under control.
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