Convince Me
Dear Dr.,
Please convince me that I do not need back on Thyroid. I am not just a mindless person walking around here - I have two Masters Degrees and I am a fairly intelligent individual. When someone (yes, even you as a Dr) tells me something, I question it. Does it make sense that I suddenly got over hypothyroidism? Not really? How is it that I still have so many symptoms? Infertility - check. Not O'ing - check. Tired ALL the time - check. Brain fog - check. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - check (first time last month). Thin hair - check. Difficulty losing weight - check. Easy weight gain - check. First pg - all the symptoms of undiagnosed hypothyroid.
I would really like to have a third child, but if it is not in the plan, then I just want to know. I don't want to go through endless tests, guesses, and being poked just to be told I have to do something such as IVF. As much as I want another child, I do not want to go to the extreme - I have to priceless, beautiful daughters that I am thankful for.
Please give me some other viable options for my infertility. Do not tell me you don't know, because that makes my despair increase. Please tell me what our plan is after the HSG if it comes back clear (because I know that you are banking on my tubes being the problem). And, on a seperate note - please be very gentle when you do the HSG. I know that I have had two children, one completely natural, but I am still scared to death of the HSG and do not like pain.
Please, Dr, just tell me what is wrong with me so that I can hold another little child in my arms soon, and see the joy of my daughters as they get to experience having another sibling. I want to see Aurianna get the chance to be a big sister, and care for a younger sibling as Kaitlyn so diligently cares for her - Aurianna has a great role model to look up to, and I want her to have the opportunity to be a good role model for someone else.
And lastly, thank you for trying everything to help me get those two beautiful lines!!