Double Digits :)
Yes, I am celebrating being on CD10. I never thought I would see a double digit cycle day - this cycle has been taking FOREVER!! The good news is that I got a high reading on my CBEFM. I don't even know why I am getting excited about it, since both of my last cycles I had a high reading and NO peak day - they both had high readings for quite a while and then went right back to low. I guess I am feeling so much more hopeful now that I have taken the Clomid. Generally, the CBEFM manual says that it won't give any more than 5 high readings before a peak reading - I guess this cycle will put it to the test again. If that is true, that would actually be perfect, since I should be O'ing this upcoming week. I told dh that tonight marks the beginning of our "babymaking" for this cycle. He isn't as excited since the last 8 months have been really wearing on him. I hope this is it!!!
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