Waiting.... Waiting....

Gosh, you would think I would be used to this waiting. For 9 months now, I have been waiting to O, waiting to POAS, waiting for AF, etc. But this cycle is KILLING me!! Perhaps this is the first cycle I have really had my hopes set high, but each day they are slowly coming down. Every day that goes by that my monitor doesn't peak, my OPK doesn't get any darker, my temp doesn't increase. Today I had a jump, but I don't believe it has anything to do with O'ing. I woke up feeling a little warm today which could be the temp increase. Not to mention that I have had negative OPKs every day, and some days I have used one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I will say that yesterday it could have been positive and I wouldn't have known because my urine was so clear it looked like water, but my CBEFM did not change at all between yesterday and today. I am on CD16, and I am just getting tired of the every other day bd'ing! LOL I had to practically rape my dh the other night. I told him, "If you can just make a deposit I will be happy. Just a 'wam, bam, thank you mam' is all I care about!" LOL With working and two little children, I can't keep this up much longer!!

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