Going to become...

A POAS-aholic!! I was answering a post today on BZ, and it hit me like a brick wall - will 3 hpt's be enough when I do O? Probably not! I am going to be peeing on sticks left and right!! Maybe even two at a time. LOL I have never, EVER been in a 2WW and I have no idea how I am going to handle it, although based on my lack of patience, I can only imagine that it won't be pretty. With my other two girls I wasn't "trying" like I am now - timing O, etc. Once I do know that I have O'd, it will be my first official 2WW, even though we have been trying since January for this child!! How will I prevent myself from going crazy?

I have taken 2 Clomid pills so far. I just stared at the first one, wondering if it was actually going to change my life. Will I conceive because of these little pills? I am not kidding that I will be ecstatic when I get a peak on my CBEFM or see that I have O'd in my temps. I haven't had any side effects that I know of - maybe a very slight nausea last night when I was laying in bed, but nothing to get my panties in a bunch. :) Today I had a little shooting pain from the side of my left breast down my side, and I wonder if it had something to do with that. So far, that is all. I am really hoping that is it, but I know some have more side effects AFTER O. We'll see! If I get pg this cycle, based on my CD1 I would be due 5/27/10 based on a 28 day cycle (which we all know isn't entirely accurate for me!!). My dh's bday is 5/22... maybe that is a good sign??

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Eileen said...

Until you have peed on at least 50 sticks in one cycle... all reading pregnant, you won't join my POASaholic ranks ;-). I'm not joking. Sick, I know. Good luck this cycle! I hope this will be IT!

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