I can't believe myself - my morning

So, my life revolved around TTC - temping, CBEFM, Clomid, OPKs, etc. I had dreams last night about temping, and forgetting to use the CBEFM. Wow.

I woke up at 4:40am this morning and REALLY had to pee. I got up to use the restroom, then remembered that I couldn't use my CBEFM yet. Soo... I get back into bed. That lasted about a whole 2 seconds, and I realized that I really didn't want to wet the bed because I was waiting to POAS. LOL So I got back up again, and then panicked. My CBEFM hasn't asked me to POAS yet (it is CD7)... today would probably be the day! Trying to work quickly, I grabbed a cup and peed in the cup, thinking I had read somewhere that I could do that and test up to a couple hours later. I set it discreetly by the toilet and hoped that would be okay. As I lay there thinking about how I should have probably temped when I got up to pee (and cursing myself of course) my dh gets up to use the restroom. Okay - new problem. I was silently pleading that he wouldn't notice the cup of pee sitting next to the toilet, and, worse yet - that he wouldn't knock it over as he was standing there peeing and then I wouldn't be able to test!! He certainly doesn't need to know quite the extremes that I go to in order to track everything! Ha. Luckily, even though I was expecting him to yell - "What the heck is this cup of pee doing by the toilet" - he didn't. He quietly came back to bed and went back to sleep. Phew!

At 5:30, my alarm went off. I don't think I fell asleep amidst all my TTC thoughts. I took my temp, and it was actually pretty close to my last two temps so I went ahead and put it in FF, although I made sure to mark it "sleep deprived" so that I could remember it would be off. I turned on my CBEFM and held my breath - no request for a stick. I was a little worried that the thing is broken, so I grabbed the book and read that it will request for a stick any time between CD5 and CD9. So... 2 more days before I can really panick. :) So into the toilet went the pee from a cup. (*Reminder to self - check on saving pee)

Then, the worst thought entered my head as I was standing sleepily in the shower -


I had to hold myself back from running downstairs, soap suds and all, and taking that little white pill. How on earth could I forget that?!?!?!?!?!? My entire life is revolving around this cycle, and I forgot to take that stupid little pill!! I am SO mad at myself!! I took it as soon as I was ready for work, and I guess I get to take my last one tonight, as scheduled. I pray that doesn't mess up my cycle and chances of O'ing. Ugh - sometimes I wonder about myself!!

Sooo... my day has started off wonderfully! LOL

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