Weird temps

So I know that I have only been temping for 2 days, but my temps have been high! I have been tracking temps now since March, so I have a good grasp of what my temps should be like. Yesterday and today my temps were 97.54 and 97.52 consecutively. Those are both very high for me. The only other time in my months of temping it was that high was when I took Progesterone last time, and at the end of the cycle that I had an allergic reaction. Obviously, both times were explained by the Progesterone and by my body trying to fight off the reaction. This time, though - no explanation. I would have blown off today as being from the Progesterone if I hadn't temped yesterday, since my first dose was last night. But that still doesn't explain yesterday morning. Hmm... I almost think that maybe I O'd, but it would be super, super early for that. Of course, I wasn't using my CBEFM or OPKs because I knew that I would be taking the Provera to end this cycle anyway. I just started temping again to keep in the routine. Weird. Figures my body would go wacky right now, when I actually have some hope amidst all this craziness!

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