Not even close

I do not think I am even close to O'ing yet. *sigh* That really, really sucks. I got another low reading on CBEFM today (CD17) and not even a faint line again. It doesn't even look like it is progressing towards anything! I checked CM the last couple days, and dry like the desert! This is so ridiculous.

I have also been so, so tired lately. I went to bed before 10pm last night and got up at 5:45 for work this morning. I feel so tired I could go back to bed for another 8 hours. I did have to get up twice last night for the girls, but I still don't think I should feel this tired. I am concerned about my thyroid again, but last check in March showed that it was okay. That puzzles me... how can a thyroid be okay, then not, then okay again? During my pg with Aurianna it was discovered I had an underactive thyroid and she said my levels were so off it looked as though it had been that way for a while. I was medicated, all the way until this past December. My reg dr took me off the meds and said my levels were fine. Coincidentally, the cycle that she did that was my 90+ day cycle. My OBGYN thought it was odd and tested me in March, but she said everything came back fine. Hmm... could it be off again? That would certainly explain my cycles and being tired.

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