Well, I think that we are at a crossroads here. We need to decide what to do. I apparently didn't O this cycle (again), and I need to see the dr. I was thinking long and hard about this yesterday, and I came to a decision that I do not know if I am completely settled on or if Jeremy accepts. We'll have to see how it goes.
I think what I would like to do is wait about a year to continue to TTC. I have so much weight to lose, and that might help with my cycles. Also, Aurianna would be entering Preschool, and I would hope that she would be easier to deal with by then. Also, I should be promoted and Jeremy might be back at Duferco if the economy picks up. We would be in a much better situation.
That decision is so hard to make! The logical one is the one that I just said, but my heart is telling me that I want another baby now. The only major problem I see with waiting is that Aurianna and the baby will be about 4 years apart, and I really would like them to be much closer. I usually make decisions with my heart, not based on logic. :)
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