I have been waiting to O since JANUARY - yes, January!! On CD21 I finally got it! OH MY GOD. LOL I was on my way to work and realized I left all my OPKs at home. I have a thousand internet cheapies, but I didn't have time to run home. So I stopped and bought the CB sticks, and took one as soon as I got to work. I have been waiting because I have been nauseous and have been feeling what I thought were O pains, but they have all been negative. I POAS as soon as I got to work, and couldn't believe it!!! Definitely a positive. I wanted to run out of the bathroom and tell everyone I am O'ing - LOL. I don't think anyone would appreciate it, though!

Okay, here is my worry - we haven't bd'd in forever. Dh had really upset me about a week ago because he stopped bd'ing every other day like we were supposed to. I got over that and decided that I would wait until I got my + OPK and then we would bd like crazy. Now I am wondering if that is such a good idea. I called him as soon as I got the positive OPK and told him that we are bd'ing.

AHHHH!! I always have all this advice for other people, and now I am O'ing and freaking out. LOL HELP!

We bd'd the last 3 nights, and I had two days of + OPK (yesterday and day before) and then yesterday and today were the peak readings on the CBEFM (so excited to see that little egg on there finally!). I believe I probably O'd today, which will be confirmed with tomorrow's temperature. I hope I wake up to a high temp!! Then I will officially be in my first 2WW!!!

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