Cycle 1 a Bust...

...Now I am on Clomid cycle 2 (or month 9, but who's counting, right?). I was so disappointed to get my BFNs, and I had a 12 day LP. AF left and I just finished my last Clomid pill last night, so I am on CD8 and waiting to O. I really hope that I don't O as late as CD22 again, but I know it is definitely a possibility. Okay, more of a probability than anything, since it looks like most people O around the same day when on Clomid. Oh well - at least I O'd last cycle!! I cannot wait to see those beautiful lines, feel the cramping, see my temp rise, and get to bd'ing! LOL My dr looked at my charts and said that I clearly O'd, and so she left me on 50mg. She told me to make sure I bd a little longer this time. Will do! :)

As a side note, the nurse asked me where I charted at and I told her FF. She said that the Dr. really liked my charts and she was going to pass on that information to the Dr. to tell everyone else. The papers she gave me to chart on were a joke, no offense to her. There were 6 tiny little charts squeezed on a page, and you could tell it had been copied MANY times over. The lines were all squiggly and hard to read, and the lowest temp was 97.0, with no room to put lower temps underneath. I always have a couple temps each cycle lower than that (my first couple of cycles had MOST of my temps below 97.0!) so that would not have worked. So I may have gotten FF some new business if my Dr. does put that on her sheets to give other patients. LOL

This waiting stinks!!!!!!!

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