A BIG catch up!
Wow, it has been so long since I posted on this! I can't even believe it! I was thinking today how quickly time has gone since I got my BFP on Halloween - I can't believe I am almost 15 weeks already! I am getting more and more nervous about having 3 children at home! Kaitlyn, my 4 yr. old, is SOOOOOO good. I seriously could not ask for a better behaved child! I know a lot of parents say that, but she is really good. She listens, is so nice to her sister, and everyone just absolutely adores her. Aurianna, my 2 yr. old, is.... well.... different. LOL She is so funny, and I can already see that she is going to be the class clown like her father was! She always tries to be funny. She definitely has listening problems, though! She has been going through her terrible two's since the moment she came into this world, although they are slowly getting better! She was a very difficult baby, and I seriously cannot imagine dealing with another baby that acts like she did with two at home already. That just freaks me out like you would not believe! I guess that is the chance we take, though!
I wonder every day how this little one will fit into our family - not IF, but HOW. Will this little one be funny like Aurianna, or shy like Kaitlyn? Maybe somewhere in between? Will it have Anna's crazy spirit, the willing-to-do-anything-even-if-it-kills-me spirit that gives me a heart attack about 5 times a day, average? Or will Baby be like Kaitlyn and be cautious and a bit timid? It is so fun thinking about these things!
Kaitlyn is absolutely excited about the baby. She talks about it all the time, sings to my belly, and talks to the baby. It is SO cute to see! I have showed her the u/s pics, and she shows them to the cat. LOL When I had to take her to the hospital on New Years Eve for her double ear infection, she asked me if they could just get the baby out since we were going to the hospital anyhow. She patted my stomach the other day and told me she thinks that the baby is big enough now and can come out. Great - my 4 yr. old is telling me my stomach is too big! She also told my dh the other day that my boobs have gotten "big and heavy." How she would know the heavy part, I am not sure. He said he was laughing so hard he didn't even know what to say. Of course, he appreciates the growth. ;)
My pregnancy has been wonderful. I never thought I would say that. With Kaitlyn, I had m/s in the mornings, and only threw up a handful of times. With Anna, it was all day for weeks, although I didn't throw up that many times - just felt really nauseous. I should have known then what kind of baby she would be. LOL With this one, I have had barely any m/s. I would not even really say I had m/s... I guess just a slight bit of nausea for about 3 weeks, that ended around 6-7 weeks. It was mostly in the mornings when I woke up if I didn't eat something right away. I did get sick right after getting my BFP (laryngitis) and now I am going through the cold from hell - horrible sore throat, stuffy, and ear infection. I had horrible gas pains/constipation for a while that kept me up at night, but I figured out that it was because I had increased my veggies a hundred fold. I took some stool softeners and cut back on the veggies, and I have been okay since!
I started feeling the baby around 11 weeks. I thought that I was feeling the baby every couple of days, just here and there, but I thought maybe it was too early. When I went to the dr at 12 weeks, though, and she found the hb right away, it was in the exact spot that I had been feeling Baby, so I knew then that I was feeling him/her. How exciting! I guess being #3 I know more of what to look for and what it feels like. I feel him/her more now but it is still very light and not too often. Seeing the baby moving around and feeling the kicks are the best part of pg for me!
I am really just trying to appreciate every moment of this pg, as this could be my last. I am loving the thrill of guessing what the baby is (notice how I keep saying "the baby"... I am trying to keep from saying "it"! LOL). I took an intelligender test, and it said boy. I really just took it for fun, but that is what I want so I really hope that it is right!! I scheduled a 3D u/s for 2/9, so we will know in less than a month what the baby is. I am SO excited!!
Okay, well, I think that is enough catching up for right now. This is mostly for my own records, as I am sure that no one has made it all the way to the end. :) I am going to try to post u/s pics, too. I have 4 sets of them, and it is so fun to see the growth!
I made it to the end ;) I can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or girl! Sounds like since it's so different from your other pregnancies it could be a boy?? I'm glad everything is going so well for you this time around!
I really hope it is a boy! I don't know... I asked another DDC with their experiences with a "different" pg = different gender, and it pretty much was unanimously that it didn't matter. LOL One can still hope, though! :)
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