Waiting to O is worse than 2WW!
Well, it is for me, anyhow! After so many cycles of not O'ing, waiting to O is worse because I always have that nagging doubt in the back of my mind that I am not going to O. Of course, 9 out of 10 months that little doubt was confirmed. Last cycle I was SO excited when I O'd. I obviously was hoping I was pg, but I was just so thankful that I O'd finally that it wasn't too disappointing to see the BFNs. Well, the refreshed feeling has passed and now I just really want my BFP so that I can move on!
10 months... who would have thought it would take me this long? I am going to be so upset if January comes and I still do not have a BFP to show for it, because that will mark 1 year of TTC.
I am on CD18, and last cycle I O'd on CD22. I had thought that I might O earlier because my OPKs were getting darker already, but yesterday's OPK was hard to tell because I used a different brand. I should have just coughed up the extra money and bought more of the CB OPKs, but I got the Answer brand instead. I am doing the POAS ones, not the cheap "20 sticks in a pack" ones. I had great success with getting a + OPK on the CB POAS last month. I guess I didn't pay attention to how much they cost me, though! I couldn't believe it yesterday when I ran to the drugstore and saw they were around $30 for a 7 pack! It comes with a hpt,but I have so many of those at home that I definitely do not need one of those! LOL The line with the Answer brand yesterday was lighter than the one with CB, but it does use red dye instead of blue so that could make a difference, as well. My CBEFM is too hard to tell, and I have learned to not read the sticks. :) The peak reading I got last month (first ever - so exciting!) I never would have eye-balled it and said peak.
I really hope I do O in the next couple of days. We have been bd'ing every other day. This cycle, I have not said a word about it except for the occasional wanting a baby stuff. Nothing about O'ing, OPKs, etc. I might end up doing that if I try to bd with him on a crucial night and he refuses, though. We'll see!
Gosh, I hope this journey ends soon and we can get our last BFP!
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