Finally - O!!
Finally - I am O'ing! I am on CD28 and I feel like it is CD1000. I just found out that TWO of my friends are pg, and countless other people on BZ are getting pg. I am so happy for all of them, but just so sad that I haven't been able to join them yet! One friend is due in May and the other in June, and if I got pg I would be due in July. They are holding out hope for me. We'll see what happens. I really had lost hope for this cycle, since last cycle I O'd on CD22 and that day came and went. I am definitely O'ing - had my peak on the CBEFM and a +OPK, and today I am SO nauseous and feeling the O pains. My temp should rise tomorrow.
I have been adamantly against going to see an RE because I feel like I have two beautiful girls and it would be pointless to go through all that. I was talking to a girl at work that tried for 2 years and then had IVF and now has beautiful little twins (born last December). She suggested that I go to an RE now and see what they would say. She said our insurance covered most of it and that it was actually pretty good for infertility, and she recommended her RE. She said she would recommend going now, especially since my OB is not doing any monitoring for the Clomid. My OB is simply giving me the Clomid and then having me temp, but she is not doing any u/s or bw to see if I definitely O'd or what is going on. I don't know, I am just so torn about it all. I mean, shouldn't I just appreciate the two that I have and not go through the pains of infertility treatments? The girl I work with suggested that maybe I just try injections and see if that will work, and then not go any further.
Part of me just wants to stop after this cycle and lose more weight anyhow. I am torn on that, too. As badly as I want to lose weight, I also want to get pg and have another child, too. I have been working so hard to lose weight. As a sidebar, my cousin lost like 50 lbs and has been flaunting it and bragging (I have lost 34 so far), but I do not even feel like congrats is in order because she was sick and lost it. So what? Good that she lost the extra weight, but it is not like she worked for it. She didn't do the counting of points or calories, working out, forcing herself to stay on the diet, tracking everything...
Anyhow, I digress. :) I am just hoping that I can take a test in 2 weeks and find out that all my decision in this post have been made for me with a BFP!! If not, it will be on to month 11, and a possible scheduling with an RE. I guess I will play the WAITING game again.
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