How We Got Here
I thought I would give some background as to how we got in the position of TTC #3. Our journey with the first two was quite different.
My dh and I were engaged and to be married in 3 weeks. I clearly remember the moment when I had an "uh-oh!" thought and knew I needed to test. We were laying in bed and he had his arm laying across my stomach, and it felt funny. Didn't hurt, and the best way I can describe it is that something just didn't feel normal. I dunno... best description I can do. It must have been more intuition than anything, because there really wasn't much that was off. I didn't say anything to him, but I thought I better get some pg tests. I went out that day and bought some, and how on earth I held out until the next morning, I have NO idea. But I did, and I POAS the next morning. I got a BFP. I could not believe it! I was on my way to a job interview, and Jeremy was sleeping. I didn't wake him up, and I wanted to get a *couple* (LOL) more tests before telling him. Soo... I went to the job interview, and on the way to the store I called one of my BFF, Leslie. I told her what was going on (yes, ashamed now that Jeremy wasn't the first to know!) and I went to her house, armed with a couple different types of hpts. I POAS for all of them, and when the digital one beeped, I gave it to Leslie and told her to look at it. She looked at me, and said "congratulations!". I was amazed and knew I had to tell Jeremy. I called him and told him that we needed to go to Planned Parenthood because I thought I was pg. He just kinda said, "OK" and that was it - he was definitely in shock. We went, and of course they confirmed I was pg. We were not TTC but we also weren't preventing. I (wrongly) thought I would not get pg because AF was so completely off. I never had regular periods ever since I was very young, and at that point AF was every couple of months - very irregular. I was so wrong on that!!! Although quite shocked, we got married 3 weeks later as originally planned and we quickly became excited and looking forward to it. She has been more than what we dreamed of - a true blessing!
When Kaitlyn was about to turn 1, we knew that we wanted to have another child. We were not in any rush at all, and so we stopped preventing and figured it would happen when it happened. We didn't time intercourse, track AF, nothing like that. We did this for approximately a year, and in December 2006, 4 months before Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday, I found out I was pg. With her, I do not remember the moment when I thought I should test. Maybe I was nauseous, maybe I just had a feeling again, I dunno. I hadn't had AF since September, but when I found out in December I was only 5-6 wks along. So I managed to get pg even with very irregular cycles. I took the pg test one night (couldn't wait until morning that time!) and got a BFP. I was SO completely excited that I told my sister Jen because she was living with us and home with me at the time. We decided to go buy some baby stuff to break the news to my dh. I really was trying to wait for Christmas (we found out December 17) but the next day, I couldn't bear to wait anymore. I had Kaitlyn take him some baby stuff that I had wrapped up and wrote a note "from her" saying what a good big sister she was going to be, etc. He opened the present first, and looked quite a bit confused. When he read the note, he just stared at it for a minute and then got really excited - he looked at me and said, "Really?!?" When I said yes, he was really excited and started talking about names, etc.
Now, we really want to get pg with our 3rd. The main motivation behind this is that I don't want them to be more than 3 years apart, and that means that I need to get pg by December. That might seem like plenty of time, but AF is still irregular so I don't get that many shots! We started TTC in January, and I started tracking everything in February. Here has been my stats so far:
Cycle O (pre-TTC): October 31-December 08
Cycle 1: December 09-March 16, don't know if I O'd
Cycle 2: March 17-May 16, ended with Progestrone, no O up until CD38 for sure (using OPKs, temps)
Cycle 3 (current): May 17-????
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