First day of blogging! :)

Well, this is my first day of blogging! :) We'll see if this becomes more of a diary than anything, or if anyone is actually going to read and comment! I am starting this blog because my TTC journey is becoming more than what I thought it would! We are TTC #3, and we are really hoping for a boy. I would LOVE to say it doesn't matter, blah blah blah... but it does. We have two beautiful girls, and we would love to have a boy! I'll tell you what - if we had a boy, he would be one spoiled little man! My dad would freak out, I really do believe. I have 3 sisters... he kept trying for a boy, and they finally stopped at 4 girls! My sister has a child... yep, you guessed it - a girl! As I mentioned, I have 2 girls. So a boy in the family would be amazing, new, and he would definitely be spoiled!

It is really late tonight and I do not think I can keep my eyes open to type everything I want to, so I am going to sign off for tonight and leave the rest for tomorrow. I think I *might* get some quiet time tomorrow if Aurianna's nap times out good - my dad is taking Kaitlyn (my 4 yr. old) to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow around 11, my husband works until 1, and Aurianna usually goes down for a nap around noon. Should I cheat and put her down around 11:30? :) We'll see...

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