Why do I have to sneak food into work?
I get so frustrated at work, because everyone thinks that they know what is best for me while pg. I don't mind the advice, I really don't. But when people judge... well, that is a different story. One of the older women at work always has to see what I am eating and make a comment. I was eating a fiber bar, and she came in and said, "You know, chocolate isn't good for you, especially while pg." I informed her that I had NEVER heard that before, and that it was a fiber bar anyhow. She still didn't give it up. Another day, I had a small capuccino. I never drink caffeine, but once every couple weeks is not bad. One of the girls saw me drinking it and told me I was not allowed to have it and should throw it away. Another of the employees told her she was wrong, and then they started debating about MY drink. Yesterday I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and the same older woman looked at it and said with disdain, "Oh, you are eating peanut butter and jelly?" This morning was my once-every-couple-of-weeks caffeine, and I actually smuggled it into work! I didn't feel like hearing any comments. I shouldn't have to be embarrassed when I am eating or drinking! Of course, no one bothered to say anything yesterday when I was eating the carrots, or the grapes, or the orange, or the yogurt.
I may end up having to go to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. This sore throat/ear ache will not let up! I just finished my 2nd round of antibiotics yesterday, and the right side of my throat still hurts, and my ear hurts when I yawn or do something of that sort. I went for my monthly OB check up yesterday, and she said that when pg, your ear drums can swell up and make it seem like you have fluid in there. I was adamant that is NOT what is happening, though - my husband had the same thing, and my girls have been sick, as well. This is just a bug that won't let go! She said that if the 2nd round of antibiotics doesn't work, I will need to go see the ENT since something else is going on. Wonderful. She said to give it a couple more days and then call her to make an appt. I will wait until Thursday. It isn't unbearable right now (it was before!) but if it is hanging around, I guess I do need to go get it checked out. I would hate for something worse to be wrong and it not be detected!
ONE WEEK UNTIL MY 3D ULTRASOUND!!! I am beyond excited. I have to drive to Cleveland (almost a 2 hr drive) so I am hoping that the weather stays agreeable. Here in Ohio, you just never know! Part of the reason I could be sick is that several times recently it has gone from being in the 40s down to the teens in just a day. From sunny one day to blizzard the next. I am picking my sister up from the airport on Saturday, and the reason I scheduled the ultrasound for next week is so that she can go, too. She lives in Wyoming and won't really be able to be a part of anything else, so we would both be very disappointed if it doesn't work out because of weather! Unless it is horrible, though, I will be making the drive!!
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