I absolutely, 100% cannot believe it is a boy! I cannot wait until my next ultrasound on Monday because I am definitely going to ask the tech to doublecheck. LOL I mean, come on - my family does not have boys! I have 3 sisters, 2 daughters, and a niece - no boys anywhere in the family. My dad tried FOUR times for a boy, and for all 3 grandchildren I know he was hoping and praying. You should have heard how excited he was when I called him after the ultrasound. He works with my husband (he is a couple rungs up the ladder, though) and I knew that Jeremy would already know when he got home from work. He did - my dad hunted him down at work and told him the news. My dad also said he wants to be the first to buy him a football. LOL

What on earth am I going to do with a boy?!?! It all seems so foreign to me, although I am sure that once he arrives it will not be that much different than the girls. I already have bought quite a few outfits, and every time I go out somewhere I pick something up. I just can't help it! :) I also started going through all the girls' old clothes to sell. I have tubs and tubs of them so it is going to take me quite a while! I have about 4 tubs sorted out, and that is only newborn through 9 months!

My older daughter, Kaitlyn, really is not happy at this point. She does not want it to be a boy - she said she really wanted another baby sister. She asked if we can go to a hospital that only gives girls - LOL. When my sister asked her if she would tell her Daddy when he got home, her reply was "No, he can find out when it comes out." Yes, she is that disgruntled right now. She is slowly getting over it, and I know that when he arrives she won't give a hoot whether he is her brother or sister. She is such a great big sister to Aurianna that I cannot imagine it any other way with her brother. Aurianna has no idea what is going on, but I have a feeling this baby may need body armor to protect against her. LOL

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6 DAYS!!!!!

6 DAYS UNTIL MY 3D ULTRASOUND!!! Oh my goodness, I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I have NO idea how anyone waits until birth to find out the gender... LOL I am waaaaaay too impatient for that. :) Sadly, there is supposed to be a snowstorm coming in this weekend, but I don't care if I have to hitch a ride on a snow plow - I am going there! It is a good 2 hr. drive from my house, but totally worth it! I have 2 of my sisters (maybe all 3), my grandmother, and my mom coming to the u/s. It should be fun!!!! I am hoping for blue, but I am thinking it is pink. We'll see!

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Why do I have to sneak food into work?

I get so frustrated at work, because everyone thinks that they know what is best for me while pg. I don't mind the advice, I really don't. But when people judge... well, that is a different story. One of the older women at work always has to see what I am eating and make a comment. I was eating a fiber bar, and she came in and said, "You know, chocolate isn't good for you, especially while pg." I informed her that I had NEVER heard that before, and that it was a fiber bar anyhow. She still didn't give it up. Another day, I had a small capuccino. I never drink caffeine, but once every couple weeks is not bad. One of the girls saw me drinking it and told me I was not allowed to have it and should throw it away. Another of the employees told her she was wrong, and then they started debating about MY drink. Yesterday I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and the same older woman looked at it and said with disdain, "Oh, you are eating peanut butter and jelly?" This morning was my once-every-couple-of-weeks caffeine, and I actually smuggled it into work! I didn't feel like hearing any comments. I shouldn't have to be embarrassed when I am eating or drinking! Of course, no one bothered to say anything yesterday when I was eating the carrots, or the grapes, or the orange, or the yogurt.

I may end up having to go to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. This sore throat/ear ache will not let up! I just finished my 2nd round of antibiotics yesterday, and the right side of my throat still hurts, and my ear hurts when I yawn or do something of that sort. I went for my monthly OB check up yesterday, and she said that when pg, your ear drums can swell up and make it seem like you have fluid in there. I was adamant that is NOT what is happening, though - my husband had the same thing, and my girls have been sick, as well. This is just a bug that won't let go! She said that if the 2nd round of antibiotics doesn't work, I will need to go see the ENT since something else is going on. Wonderful. She said to give it a couple more days and then call her to make an appt. I will wait until Thursday. It isn't unbearable right now (it was before!) but if it is hanging around, I guess I do need to go get it checked out. I would hate for something worse to be wrong and it not be detected!

ONE WEEK UNTIL MY 3D ULTRASOUND!!! I am beyond excited. I have to drive to Cleveland (almost a 2 hr drive) so I am hoping that the weather stays agreeable. Here in Ohio, you just never know! Part of the reason I could be sick is that several times recently it has gone from being in the 40s down to the teens in just a day. From sunny one day to blizzard the next. I am picking my sister up from the airport on Saturday, and the reason I scheduled the ultrasound for next week is so that she can go, too. She lives in Wyoming and won't really be able to be a part of anything else, so we would both be very disappointed if it doesn't work out because of weather! Unless it is horrible, though, I will be making the drive!!

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