I finally did it!!!
I got my BFP today! Holy cow - did not think it would ever happen!! I was going to wait until tomorrow to test so that I would be 12DPO, but I decided to do it today since it is Halloween. I took 4 tests this morning - yes, 4. I took 2 Wondfo internet-cheapie ones and a digital first. I took 2 Wondfo's because I just don't trust them - I did an OPK and it messed up and was a wasted effort by that brand before. The Wondfo's did not have any line and the digi was taking forever, so I figured that it was going to be a BFN. Well, imagine my shock when I saw "PREGNANT" displayed on the digi! WOW! I ran out and got the FRER that I was saving, and took that. There is definitely a line there, but sooooooo faint that I would have been debating about it all day - I am so glad I used the digi!
I had thought before I would do something cute for Jeremy, but the excitement got to me. He got up at 5:45 to check the weather forecast, and I jumped up, grabbed it, and ran after him. I tried to give it to him and told him to look at it, but he wouldn't take it because it was a "pee stick" and asked me to read it to him. LOL What a goof.
The bad thing is I cannot really share my news with anyone right now. I have 3 sisters, ages 26, 23, and 21. My sister, Jen, who is 23 just got diagnosed with endometriosis 2 days ago, and has to have surgery because her cysts are significantly growing. Her dr told her that she will not have a very good chance of conceiving, but that her best chance ever will be within 6 months after her surgery. Well, her fiance and her are not ready to have a baby right now, and she called me crying hysterically. All she has ever wanted to do is have children. She has surgery consultation on Thursday, and then after the surgery she will know more. They are hoping to be able to remove the cysts by endoscopy, but if they can't she will have to have full-blown surgery. Anyhow, after all that I am certainly not going to announce to everyone 2 days later that I am pg. So I am going to wait a while. I guess that will be good anyhow because I can make sure this pg sticks and give her some time to start to cope (not that she will probably ever come completely to terms with that). I feel so bad, and I told her that if she could not conceive but they wanted biological children, I would be a surrogate if she needed that. Of course she doesn't want to think about that right now, but at least she knows she has options.